VBAC Specialist
Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC
OBGYNs & Certified Nurse Midwives located in Hastings, NE & Grand Island, NE
The cesarean section rate in the United States is now over 30%, meaning increasing numbers of women deliver by C-section. The experienced OB/GYNs at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, offer VBAC (vaginal delivery after a cesarean section) to women who would like a natural delivery having previously been through a C-section. The Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, team are the only providers in the entire region who offer VBAC, so call them today or book an appointment online.
What is VBAC?
VBAC is short for vaginal birth after a cesarean section (C-section). If you've previously undergone a cesarean section to birth a baby, VBAC enables you to experience a natural delivery for subsequent pregnancies.
A C-section is where your OB/GYN makes an incision in your abdomen and uterus to remove your baby. While a C-section is sometimes essential for your well-being and that of your child, it does create a weakness in the area at the incision site. Excessive pressure in that area, like a problematic vaginal birth, could then cause a rupture.
Therefore, it's necessary to manage your next pregnancy carefully using VBAC protocols if you want to deliver vaginally.
Why should I consider VBAC delivery?
If you've had a C-section once, you can choose to deliver this way again. However, there are some benefits to opting for VBAC that are worth considering, including:
- Reduced risk of infection
- Less blood loss
- No post-surgical pain
- Reduced recovery time
- Avoiding C-section-related complications
One of the primary motivations for women choosing VBAC is the desire to experience a more normal birth.
Is VBAC an option for me?
Your OB/GYN at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, can advise you on your suitability for VBAC after reviewing your medical history.
The best candidates are women who've previously given birth vaginally or who've had a low transverse C-section (where the scar goes across your abdomen just above your groin).
VBAC is less likely to be an option if you have a history of uterine surgery such as fibroid removal or a uterine rupture or if your C-section scar runs vertically down your abdomen.
What does VBAC involve?
Your OB/GYN at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, creates a personalized delivery plan for you if you opt for VBAC.
In many respects, your labor progresses in the same way as a regular vaginal delivery. However, you need expert monitoring to evaluate each stage of the process in case things don't go as planned.
Because you require this extra care and there's an increased chance of needing another C-section, VBAC deliveries typically take place in Mary Lanning Hospital in Hastings.
To find out more about VBAC and see if you're a good candidate, call Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, today or book an appointment online.
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