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Every year, about 500,000 women have a hysterectomy, which is surgery to remove the uterus. It’s the second most common surgery for women, preceded by Cesarean section (C-section). Women have hysterectomies to treat gynecological conditions like endometriosis. While surgery can help some women get relief from their severe pelvic pain,...
Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological condition affecting 190 million women throughout the world. Painful periods that worsen over time is one of the most common symptoms. However, because symptoms vary and are similar to other health conditions, women may not learn they have endometriosis until they’re undergoing treatment for infertility. ...
About four out of every 10 pregnancies in the United States are unintended, meaning the pregnancy is unwanted or poorly timed. Tubal ligation, or having your tubes tied, is one of the most effective forms of birth control, but it’s not the right method for everyone. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists,...
High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity are known risk factors for heart disease that affect men and women. But did you know women’s reproductive health is also a risk factor? At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our team provides comprehensive care for women. We...
Pregnancy is normal and natural, but it’s also a medical condition that affects health. A woman’s blood volume doubles and her heart and blood vessels work harder to provide oxygen and nutrients to both mother and baby. These changes are stressful on the heart and may affect heart function during...
Your back feels better, your reflux is gone, and you can see your feet again. Giving birth relieves many uncomfortable symptoms that come with pregnancy. While you may feel more like your pre-pregnancy self, postpartum brings on its own set of symptoms. You may expect uterine cramping as it shrinks...
Pelvic prolapse probably isn’t on your list of what to expect after pregnancy, but it’s something we think you need to know about. The condition occurs when the pelvic organs fall, putting pressure on the vagina due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscle. You’re at risk of prolapse if...
Your at-home pregnancy test is positive. Now what? Now you call the team at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings or Grand Island, Nebraska, and schedule a prenatal care appointment. How soon you start prenatal care depends, but it’s usually a good idea to connect with your obstetrician four to...
Infertility is common, affecting about 26% of women of childbearing age. Finding the cause of infertility can help direct treatment and pregnancy plans. And, in some cases, infertility can resolve on its own, usually in people with unexplained infertility. You may have even heard stories about couples finally getting pregnant...
Cesarean section (C-section) is a surgical delivery of a baby, usually performed to prevent complications that may harm mom or baby. About 80% of women who had a C-section continue to deliver their babies this way — but you can give birth vaginally after a C-section. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists,...
Doctors use symptoms to assist in making a medical diagnosis. Though 50% to 80% of women with endometriosis have pelvic pain, what if you don’t? Many women with endometriosis go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to wide variations in symptoms. They may not get a formal diagnosis until they seek treatment...
At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our primary care providers consider your annual wellness exam the most important health visit of the year. The information we gather during your yearly physical helps us stay on top of your health, finding issues during the early stages...
Pregnancy is a lot of things. It’s life-changing, exciting, nerve-wracking, and personal. It’s been part of the human experience since the beginning, but it’s also a medical condition. Everyone’s pregnancy journey is unique, and those seeking a more holistic experience might consider support from a midwife. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists,...
Everyone needs a primary care provider to manage health and well-being. This provider treats unexpected illnesses, performs wellness exams, and helps you stay well. Women also need gynecology care for similar reasons, though its focus is on reproductive health. But you may not have the time to see two doctors...
Studies have revealed that 38%-88% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, are overweight or obese. Further, women with obesity are more likely to develop PCOS than women without obesity. PCOS does affect your body weight, and your body weight may play a role in the development of this...
An ovarian cyst can come and go without causing any signs or symptoms. These fluid-filled sacs most commonly form during ovulation — when your ovary releases an egg during the menstrual cycle — and go away within a few months. Though most ovarian cysts are harmless, they can enlarge and...
The intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective forms of birth control. Most women with IUDs are happy about their birth control choice. While some describe the procedure for getting the IUD in a positive manner, IUD insertion can be unpleasant — 78% of women rate the pain...
It’s estimated that 10%-35% of women experience abnormal bleeding at some point in their life. But many women don’t seek help for an irregular menstrual cycle or heavy bleeding, so the number is likely higher. One of the frustrating things women face with abnormal bleeding is finding the cause. Our...
Almost half of women in the United States skip preventive health care exams like their annual physical. Time and money are the most common reasons why women choose not to get regular checkups. Skipping your annual physical may cost you more money and time over the long run. Annual physicals...
Advancements in infertility treatments are helping many people grow their families. The increased interest in infertility is also heightening awareness of how trouble conceiving affects a person’s physical and emotional well-being. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our providers take a holistic approach to care,...
Feeling sad from time to time is normal, but when your sadness interferes with your life, it’s important to find out why. If you’ve had no energy or desire to do things you enjoy for more than two weeks, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your doctor. At Obstetricians...
Whether you’re 20 or 70, now is the right time to take steps to improve your health. Though needs and concerns vary throughout each stage of life, lifestyle habits that benefit your health now and later don’t change all that much. Our team of women’s health specialists at Obstetricians &...
Your primary care provider is the first person you call when you have a health concern. They know about you and your health and can make well-informed and personalized decisions about your care. Can your OB/GYN serve as your primary care? OB/GYNs are doctors who specialize in women’s health, especially...
Depression and anxiety affect people of all ages and backgrounds. But they’re more common in women. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), women are more prone to depression and anxiety because of their biological, hormonal, and social experiences. However, that doesn’t make it normal or something women...
Anywhere from 20%-80% of women in the United States have uterine fibroids at some point during their childbearing years. Though fibroids are harmless for the most part, some cases can cause uncomfortable symptoms that are too difficult to ignore. What can you do when you have these noncancerous tumors? Will...
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects ovulation and is a common cause of infertility in women. However, infertility doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our team of women’s health experts specializes in managing PCOS and pregnancy. PCOS can make getting...
Everyone knows about menopause, the time in a woman’s life when she no longer menstruates. But what about perimenopause? Perimenopause is the transitional period leading up to menopause. Though not as well known as menopause, many of the signs and symptoms women associate with the change of life occur during...
Pregnancy is a transformative and exciting time for women. But it’s also a time filled with a lot of discomforts. Pelvic pain is a common symptom women experience during pregnancy. Though normal, not all pains are the same, and you may want to know when you should be concerned about...
Feeling your baby kick for the first time is one of the many joys of pregnancy. It’s a sensation that only you feel, helping you connect and bond with your baby. Fetal movements are also a sign of fetal health and well-being. Every pregnancy is different, but you may want...
Women are more likely to have joint pain conditions like arthritis and have more intense pain than men. Keeping your joints healthy is a priority and may prevent the physical and emotional stress that comes with arthritis and other joint pain conditions. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and...
It’s normal to feel anxious and a bit worried when you need surgery. Getting yourself mentally and physically ready before your procedure may help calm your nerves. Not everyone needs a preoperative (preop) physical exam, but it’s never a bad idea to see your primary care provider prior to surgery...
Good nutrition is one of the best things you can do to keep yourself healthy during pregnancy. But it’s not always possible to get all the essential nutrients that your body (and the baby) needs from food alone. Like many other OB/GYNs, our women’s health specialists at Obstetricians & Gynecologists,...
Menopause is a normal part of life, affecting more than 1 million women in the United States every year. Though women are talking about menopause more and sharing their experiences, there are still a lot of misconceptions about the change of life. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, our highly skilled...
Do you ever have random concerns about your health but don’t feel as though it’s enough of an issue to schedule an appointment with your provider? Those are the types of questions you need to ask at your annual exam. This exam is one of the most important health visits...
Pregnancy is a life-changing event that requires a lot of decisions, like choosing a health care provider you trust enough to join you on your personal journey. A midwife is a health professional who specializes in women’s health, providing primary care services, prenatal care, and assisting with vaginal deliveries. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand...
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes affects more men than women. However, women with diabetes are at greater risk of developing complications from this chronic health condition than men are. Our team of women’s health experts at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings, Nebraska,...
Every woman’s menstrual cycle and period is different, but there are some expected norms. How do you know if your period is normal or abnormal? At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings, Nebraska, our women’s health experts diagnose and treat abnormal bleeding. Though we can’t always identify...
Not having total control over your bladder is an embarrassing and distressing problem. But it’s not one you need to live with. Though not a common topic of conversation, urinary incontinence is a common problem in women, affecting two times more women than men. Pregnancy, childbirth, and hormonal changes during...
An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid or other tissue that forms in or around your ovaries. These cysts are very common, and you can have an ovarian cyst come and go and not know it. Most ovarian cysts are harmless, but some can cause problems. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC,...
Your annual physical exam is an important part of your health and wellness plan. It’s one of the best tools you have for maintaining your best health. If you have Medicare Part B medical insurance, you need to understand the difference between your annual physical exam and the Medicare exam....
Birth control allows women to take control of their health and bodies by preventing unintended pregnancies. But no single contraception method is the right choice for all women. Which type is right for you depends on many factors, such as effectiveness and convenience, current health needs, and your future pregnancy...
Life is a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs. While it’s possible to manage the stresses of life on your own, sometimes you need a professional to work through them. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings, Nebraska, our team takes care of your whole...
You rely on your joints to stand, walk, climb, and lift. However, because you need your joints to move, they’re highly susceptible to injuries and conditions that cause pain. Joint pain is common and can hinder your movement and quality of life. If you have chronic joint pain, you may...
Your baby is born with a reflex to look for the breast, but that doesn’t mean you or your baby instinctively know how to breastfeed. Breastfeeding takes support, time, and practice. If your new baby is having trouble latching, you may need extra support. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in...
Women’s health issues are complex and varied, affecting physical, emotional, and mental well-being. From reproductive health issues like infertility and abnormal bleeding to chronic health issues like cancer and heart disease, women of all ages face a variety of health concerns that require specialized care. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings,...
Your bones are under constant construction, with new bone cells replacing old bone cells throughout your life. However, as you get older, the rate of bone rebuilding slows down. At some point, removal of old bone cells may outpace the placement of new bone cells, putting you at risk of...
It’s estimated that nearly 50% of people in the United States experience a mental health problem at some point during their lifetime. Unfortunately, half of those people may not get the treatment they need because of the stigmas surrounding mental illness. Many people believe mental health disorders aren’t real or that they’re...
Between work, family, and every other commitment you have on your calendar, it’s no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed. While it may be a normal part of life, ongoing stress can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional well-being. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings, Nebraska, our...
The American Cancer Society reports that the number of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer is on the decline due to lifestyle changes and an increase in screenings. However, colorectal cancer is still the third most common cancer in the United States. You may not be able to prevent colorectal cancer...
Despite affecting one out of every 10 women in the United States, endometriosis often goes undiagnosed for years. The pelvic pain most women complain of when they experience this common gynecological condition is frequently dismissed as something else, like menstrual pain. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and...
“Diet” is a word many people associate with restriction and deprivation. A short-term solution to reach a desired weight. And that’s where things can go wrong. Diet isn’t meant to be short-term, and certainly not one that leaves you feeling deprived. People may make similar associations when it comes to...
Hearts are everywhere in February. But it’s not just in honor of Valentine’s Day. February is American Heart Month. Why is heart health so important? Because heart disease is the leading cause of death for women (and men) in the United States. In honor of American Heart Month, our primary...
The cervix is a muscular tube that connects the uterus and vagina. Your cervix allows fluids to enter and leave the uterus and serves as a passageway for natural childbirth. It’s also an organ at risk of cellular changes that lead to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer was once the most...
You know that exercise is good for you. But between work, family, and friends, you sometimes may skip your regular workouts to make time for all of your other obligations. You can find time to do both. In fact, staying active may even make it easier for you to manage...
Life is a balancing act that can leave you feeling physically and mentally drained. But when you’re constantly shuffling between work, family, and friends, you may forget about the one trying to do it all: you. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our team of...
Your mental and emotional well-being is an important part of your overall health. If you have ongoing feelings of sadness or anxiety that make it difficult for you to go about your normal routine, it’s time to get professional help. Anxiety and depression are two distinct mental health conditions that...
Menopause is one of the many physiological changes you’ll experience throughout your life. Like menstruation and pregnancy, menopause comes with its own set of challenges, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, we provide expert care for women throughout every...
Diabetes is a common chronic health condition that affects about 15 million women in the United States. Having diabetes puts you at greater risk of developing other health problems like heart disease, neuropathy (nerve damage), and vision problems. Though diabetes is a serious long-term health problem that requires your attention,...
Have you hit menopause? Are you pregnant? Do you take birth control? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re at risk of developing hypertension, also called high blood pressure. You can’t feel hypertension. And when left uncontrolled, it damages your organs and puts you at risk of...
Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a colleague, almost everyone knows someone who’s had breast cancer. It’s the second most common cancer in women (skin cancer is No. 1), and every woman is at risk. At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, we’ve been providing comprehensive primary care and OB/GYN...
Every fall and winter, the flu comes around. The flu, or influenza, is a respiratory disease that infects your throat, nose, and lungs. Symptoms of this nasty virus can include fever, sore throat, headache, and fatigue. Most people will find themselves able to fight effectively against the flu and resume...
It’s not always easy to talk about, and for a long time, discussing sexual health has been considered taboo. Thankfully, in 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health declared September as Sexual Health Awareness Month. So, to recognize this month, our team at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, is delving into...
Deliver in Hastings for the expert care your baby deserves. There are big differences in the type of care you can choose when you’re expecting. It’s the difference between relying on a neonatal nurse practitioner—or placing your trust in a pediatrician with 10,000 hours and 6 years of training here...
According to the CDC, Respiratory syncytial virus is a common respiratory virus that usually causes “mild, cold-like symptoms.” It’s also the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States. What are the symptoms of RSV? Symptoms of RSV usually...
Taking better care of your body boosts your well-being fairly fast. “[Exercising and eating well] provide nearly instant benefits, helping the body and the mind to manage most any difficulties, including anxiety and depression,” according to clinical psychologist and certified life coach John Duffy, PsyD. In fact, this is the first...
Depression affects millions of people worldwide, and this number only seems to be growing. The World Health Organization puts the number of people who are depressed at around 350 million, but this number only represents the people actually diagnosed. Those who suffer silently and choose not to get help out of embarrassment,...
About National Women’s Health Week National Women’s Health Week (NWHW) is a weeklong health observance led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH). The week May 10–16, 2020 serves as a reminder for women and girls, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19, to...
Taking time to manage your mental health is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When you ignore your mental health, you may become overwhelmed with stress from your work and home life. By taking time to keep your mind and emotions in a healthy place, you will feel...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Approximately 9% of women experience postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following childbirth. Most often, this illness is caused by a real or perceived trauma during delivery or postpartum. These traumas could include: Prolapsed cord Unplanned C-section Use of vacuum extractor or forceps to deliver the baby Baby...
Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. Start your day with a cup of coffee. Coffee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. If you can’t drink coffee because of the caffeine,...
If your family is complete, maybe it’s time for us to talk about Essure, a permanent birth control solution that has been trusted by women and doctors for over ten years. It is the most effective form of permanent birth control currently available. With Essure, there are no hormones, no...
Dr. Tyler Adam now offers an innovative treatment for urinary and fecal incontinence called InterStim Therapy. InterStim is approved for the treatment of overactive bladder, urinary retention, and fecal incontinence in patients who have not found success with medications and physical therapy. This FDA approved procedure has provided symptom relief...