Why Women Are More Prone to Depression and Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

Depression and anxiety affect people of all ages and backgrounds. But they’re more common in women.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), women are more prone to depression and anxiety because of their biological, hormonal, and social experiences. However, that doesn’t make it normal or something women need to live with.
At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, our providers prioritize mental wellness for our patients, providing mental health counseling to treat issues like depression and anxiety. Here, we explain why women are more prone to depression and anxiety and what you can do about it.
Depression and women
It’s important to know that depression and anxiety are two separate mental health conditions. Though they often occur together.
Depression is a mood disorder that causes extreme feelings of sadness and despair, making it difficult to manage daily life and responsibilities. Signs and symptoms to look out for with depression include:
- Feeling hopeless or helpless
- Sleeping more or less than usual
- Withdrawal from friends and family
- Disinterest in activities that bring joy
- Fatigue
- Change in appetite
- Unexplained aches and pains
Women’s unique physiological makeup and experiences make them more prone to depression, as well as certain types of depression, such as perinatal depression (depression during pregnancy or after delivery of the baby) and perimenopausal depression (mood changes before menopause).
Despite what many believe, women don’t make themselves depressed. It’s a medical condition that requires professional treatment.
Anxiety and women
Anxiety is that feeling of fear, nervousness, or excitement you have before a big event like a job interview or a social occasion. It’s a normal emotional reaction that usually goes away once the event is behind you.
However, anxiety becomes a problem when the fear and nervousness don’t go away, get worse, or occur regularly. Ongoing anxiety that affects quality of life is a sign of an anxiety disorder, a group of mental health conditions that cause excessive and overwhelming feelings of fear, worry, or nervousness.
Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders include:
- Worry about everyday things like finances, work, or health
- Paralyzing feelings of terror
- Changes in appetite
- Difficulty sleeping
- Shakiness
- Depression
Women are two times more likely to experience an anxiety disorder than men. This is likely due to a combination of hormones and personal experiences.
Taking care of your mental wellness
Because women are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, it’s important that they know how to get help. If you or someone you love is experiencing any of the symptoms noted above, schedule an appointment with our mental health counselor.
We can determine the underlying cause of your feelings and create a plan that helps you feel more like you. Treatment for anxiety and depression in women varies, but it may include psychotherapy and psychiatric medication.
Ignoring your negative feelings won’t make them go away. Help is available. Call us today at the office nearest you, or use our online appointment request form to schedule a visit with our counselor.
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