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How to Prevent the Flu

How to Prevent the Flu

Every fall and winter, the flu comes around. The flu, or influenza, is a respiratory disease that infects your throat, nose, and lungs. Symptoms of this nasty virus can include fever, sore throat, headache, and fatigue.

Most people will find themselves able to fight effectively against the flu and resume normal life after a week or two. However, for others, the flu can be deadly. Most at risk are those who are older and have a weakened immune system. In fact, 85% of flu related deaths are people who are over the age of 65.

At Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, we want you to know the steps you can take in order to stay safe and healthy this flu season.

Tips for avoiding the flu

There are quite a few things you can do on your own in order to prevent coming down with the flu.

Stay away from large crowds

Germs are much more likely to spread in a place where there are lots of people in a small space. This could be places like a crowded movie theater or shopping center. But it could also be anywhere you go on a regular basis, like work or school. Try to limit contact when you can and wear a mask if you have to go out.

Wash your hands regularly

You can easily come down with the flu by coming in contact with germ-covered surfaces. It’s important to wash your hands with warm water and soap in order to keep those germs from getting into your body. If you’ve been touching high-traffic surfaces, make sure and wash your hands before touching your face. Alcohol-based hand rubs are good alternatives if hand washing isn’t available to you.

Boost your immune system

There are a few things you can do to naturally boost your immune system in order to help fight against the flu. Make sure you get an adequate night’s sleep, around seven to nine hours. Exercising on a regular basis and eating a nutrient-rich diet is also beneficial for your body’s immunity. 

Get a flu shot

Getting an annual flu shot can help reduce your chances of catching the flu or at least reduce the severity of your symptoms. Flu strains change each year, so it’s vital to update your vaccine around October of each year. 

Steps to take if you do get sick

Even if you follow all the above listed steps, you may still end up catching the flu. It’s important to stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading it. If you’re able to go to the doctor shortly after becoming ill, there are medicines you can take to help combat your symptoms.

If you do find yourself battling against the flu, our team at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska offers primary care to help you get on track to feeling better.

If you would like more information for the upcoming flu season, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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