6 Steps Women Can Take to Improve Their Health at Any Age

Whether you’re 20 or 70, now is the right time to take steps to improve your health. Though needs and concerns vary throughout each stage of life, lifestyle habits that benefit your health now and later don’t change all that much.
Our team of women’s health specialists at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Hastings and Grand Island, Nebraska, provides comprehensive medical care for women at every stage of life. We see how lifestyle choices affect women’s health.
Here, we share with you six steps women can take to improve their health at any age.
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables
You can’t go wrong eating more fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Adding more servings of fruits and vegetables to your day may reduce your risk of chronic health conditions like heart disease, certain types of cancer, and lung disease.
Aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, where one serving equals 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables, a medium piece of fruit, or 1/2 cup of cooked or canned fruit.
2. Fit more activity into your daily routine
Exercise is good for your bones, muscles, and mind, providing immediate and long-term benefits. We recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as a brisk walk, most days of the week to improve health and reduce risk of disease.
Walking, hiking, riding a bike, swimming, and dancing are great forms of exercise. But don’t limit yourself to just planned workouts. Find ways to add more activity to your day, such as parking at the far end of the lot, biking to work, taking movement breaks, or stretching while watching TV.
3. Get enough sleep
Like many women, you may wake up early or stay up later so you can get more done. Though we admire your drive, skimping on sleep isn’t good for your health.
Women need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Getting enough sleep improves energy and mood, reduces risk of injuries, and helps with weight management. Prioritizing sleep may also lower your risk of chronic health problems like diabetes.
4. Find time for friends and family
Your personal and professional relationships give you a sense of belonging, making you feel supported and valued. Creating, building, and maintaining relationships may help you live a longer and healthier life.
Make time for socializing. Plan coffee dates with your friends, take an afternoon off to visit with family, or join an organization to meet people with similar interests, such as a book club, volunteering opportunities, or a walking group.
5. Master your stress
Stress is how your body copes with challenging situations. It’s a normal emotional reaction and helps you face trouble.
But with the demands of life, you may feel stressed all of the time. Ongoing stress is bad for your health, increasing your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression.
Because you can’t avoid stress, you need to find ways to master it so it doesn’t affect your health. Exercise, meditation, and journaling can lower stress and improve your overall health. Having a supportive social network also helps you cope with stress.
6. Schedule your well-woman exam
Has it been more than a year since your last well-woman exam? It’s time to schedule an appointment. This annual health visit helps you stay on top of your health at every age.
During the exam, we review concerns, screen for diseases, and provide recommendations that protect your health. We can also help you make habit changes that lead to better health now and later.
Now is the best time to take steps to improve your health. Let us help you. Call Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, today or request an appointment online to schedule your annual exam.
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